Citi Sound Vault Animations

Motion Design & 3D Design with Cinema 4D
Citi Sound Vault is a year-round activation platform that offers Citibank cardmembers exclusive access to major acts playing in intimate venues across the US. The series kicks off in January with a coveted lineup of exclusive shows in Los Angeles during Grammy week. Each night, a different artist performs at a well-known venue for an exclusive Citi Sound Vault event.

Every Citi Sound Vault show has an individual look and feel that bridges the aethetic of each specific artist with the grand identity of the Citi Sound Vault series. Throughout each venue, we utilized digital screens to display motion posters that help capture the audience’s attention. Below are a few examples from the 2020 Grammy Week Citi Sound Vault shows, as well as the 2019 Madonna and Guns N’ Roses show. Ads were displayed throughout the venue, on social platforms, and on digital billboards in Los Angeles.

Below are small snippets of 3D animations I created for a Citi Sound Vault case study.
The production ask included creating a 3D animated space that gives viewers the illusion of walking into a branded bank vault– A glimpse into all the opportunities that Citi cardmembers can unlock with their mobile wallet. Here, I worked strictly in Cinema 4D to create both intro and outro sequences for a longer case study video that was post-edited by the Live Nation Content team.